Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Ayme Frye, BSCT


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is based on the idea that our bodies have a natural ability to heal. This healing element comes into play when the body reaches a deep state of relaxation or stillness. It involves very light touch, silence and the careful attention of the practitioner. 

It began this way. 

When we are conceived there is 20 minutes of stillness that occurs before all of the cells begin to divide and there is a pattern of stillness before every great change in the embryo. 

As we grow and evolve our bodies retain the ability to heal and revitalize provided  we can access these moments of stillness ; great healing can occur.

In a crazy urban world it is difficult for us to ever get to this state. 

We run around so much that we barely pay attention to our bodies at all. 

In a session we recreate this process- your body will go through several cycles of stillness. 

We need to slow our tempos. 

My role as the practitioner is to slow my own tempo before making contact. Your body mirrors that and thus begins the journey into relaxation and body awareness. 


Through an understanding of the classical motions of the bones and fluids and extensive knowledge of anatomy I hold the model of health as a map for your system to find it’s way back to it’s own optimal functioning level.  Biodynamic work is non intrusive, by that I mean that your body decides what is best, not the practitioner. 

This is an important part of the process. 

Our body will react to trauma or injury by finding a way to hold itself in relation to that impact. If this holding pattern is changed too soon, it may be jarring or overwhelming. In Biodynamic work the body realigns in it’s own time.


In silence we find calm infused with internal energy.


There was a time, before the bumps, bruises, emotional blows of life hit us, before birth when we were in a perfect state of health.

That is always with us; sometimes we need to reset the clock to a moment before any of life’s curveballs hit us. 


In Biodynamic Craniosacral work we try to find the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. We spend most of our time in fight or flight mode which is the world of the sympathetic nervous system.

BCST gives us  an opportunity to live for a while in the parasympathetic which deals with resting and restoring.


Ayme Frye has been practicing BCST for seven years. Her 700-hour training was completed with Ginger Crisenbery of 3rd Coast Craniosacral, in Evanston, IL. Ayme is also a musician, DJ, audio artist and bartender.

Ayme’s Story:

“On a beautiful fall morning, at the Kriya yoga center, my long-time friend Ginger Crisenbery (BCST) invited me to attend her introductory class in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. I accepted the invitation, and my life shifted into place.

In the two years that followed I completed a 700 hours of training consisting of studies in anatomy, the central nervous system, the bones of the skull and sacrum, and embryology, as well as 150 hours of hands-on sessions.

Upon graduation I found that everything I had studied previously: Music, Aikido, Yoga, Comparative Religion, all enhanced my knowledge and understanding of BCST. This work is the closest I have come to true meditation.

I have spent years traveling all over the world Japan, Costa Rica, Spain, now I am here in Chicago on a journey within.”


It is important to allow the unfolding to take place. Sometimes this will take more than one session. The effect is cumulative. In the first session we will discuss what your goals are, the reasons why you came and determine the recommended amount of consecutive sessions.

“It was the most relaxed 45 minutes of my life!”



“I feel so f#*ing grounded!!””



“I stink at meditation but I LOVE BCST”


Artisan/ Nanny

“I used to hate savasana in yoga, I could never just lie there and do nothing. After BCST, my mind was quiet, I loved it.”


Social Media Marketer and Videographer

“Never have I felt more like a bilaminar disc than I do right now!”

Ayme Frye



To learn more, just email us for additional information to see if BCST is a good match for you.



Two options:

$120 per hour session

at Moksha Yoga 2528 W. Armitage

Chicago, Illinois 60647

$100 per hour session in my home office

(sliding scale for those in need)

If you book a block of four sessions, there is a 20% discount.

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